rene_mobile’s avatarrene_mobile’s Twitter Archive—№ 3,553

      1. …in reply to @EdgeSecurity
        @EdgeSecurity I have now asked #EnergieAG if they shape UDP traffic. It would certainly be an explanation for that behavior, but also a surprise if they did. In Austria, I am still used to a neutral Internet.
    1. …in reply to @rene_mobile
      @EdgeSecurity Problem solved! Turns out a firewall in the path had UDP flood protection and mis-classified #WireGuard traffic as flooding. With exception rules in place, I now get 45MBit/s on a Mikrotik 2011UiAS vs. 12 MBit/s with OpenVPN/TCP (both with 100% CPU). HIghly recommend to use it!
  1. …in reply to @rene_mobile
    @EdgeSecurity And routing IPv6 subnets through IPv4 tunnels just works (as advertised) as well. I never had that easy v4/v6 mixing with any other VPN tunneling implementations before.