rene_mobile’s avatarrene_mobile’s Twitter Archive—№ 1,031

        1. Installing Xposed v79-sdk23 on Nexus 5x is refreshingly uneventful, as rooting was. Makes me want to go back to a Nexus as my daily phone.
      1. …in reply to @rene_mobile
        Pro Nexus 5x: fingerprint + low-light camera work well, newest AOSP security patches but still root+xposed.
    1. …in reply to @rene_mobile
      Pro Sony Xperia Z5 compact: low-power step detector (using it for gait authentication), microSD, IP68, size! (fits my hands and pockets...)
  1. …in reply to @rene_mobile
    Con anything w/o full root support: without #Xprivacy, I can't (won't) install many interesting native apps (including @Twitter)