rene_mobile’s avatarrene_mobile’s Twitter Archive—№ 4,581

  1. …in reply to @Lufthansa_DE
    @Lufthansa_DE @MUC_Airport Unfortunately still no reply. On the first ticket, I literally only need a copy of a PDF receipt that was never sent out via email when the change was made. I.e. this doesn't cost you any money, but not getting a receipt for payment made is critical to accounting.
    1. …in reply to @rene_mobile
      @Lufthansa_DE @MUC_Airport My @lufthansa_DE/@lufthansa "Customer Relations" ticket 32208956 requesting a copy of a PDF receipt that was never sent out originally has been unanswered since Aug. 18, 12 weeks ago. The customer relations department can no longer be contacted via phone for "efficiency reasons".